aBOUT Al Fozan Social Foundation
Al Fozan is not just about business: An unshakable belief prevails within the group that its member companies, owners and employees are a serious force for good in the societies in which they work. This is best highlighted in the work of Al Fozan Social Foundation, which has pressed ahead with game-changing social initiatives that are unique in Saudi Arabia today.
For many years Al Fozan Social Foundation has participated in a wide range of philanthropic initiatives and is presently spearheading eight diverse and sustainable social programs. So important is the foundation to everyone within the business that all of the group's activities are focused on ensuring the foundation's continued success. This commitment is manifested from the funding of the foundation from Al Fozan's annual profits through to the active involvement of all members of the group.
We seek to be the leading pioneers in serving and developing the community in corporation with all its sectors, in order to serve all beneficiaries.

Our mission
We seek to provide pioneering awareness programs in the service of the community with professionalism, quality and continuous development that will bring permanent benefits to the individual, family and society.